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Garage Door Repair Services

Need Help With Your Garage Door?

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Call now for professional garage door repair & troubleshooting services!

Garage Door Repair Services

Garage Door Repair | Gate Repair Pasadena, CA

The benefits an automatic garage door brings to the table are numerous. It makes your daily routine more convenient, keeps your property more secure and protects your belongings from outside weather conditions. However, when some part of the system malfunctions, those benefits will begin to disappear and annoying problems will replace them. When you find yourself faced with any type of complex garage door problem, let us know and our experts will get to you and quickly fix whichever part is at fault.

Common Spring Problems

While there are all sorts of things that can go wrong with a garage door, the springs are certainly among the more common culprits. Your system depends on these units to support and counterbalance its weight, and when they fail to do so, the door will be inoperable. Replacing a broken spring can be extremely dangerous. Even adjusting the tension of these units has some risks. That's why you should never attempt DIY repairs when it comes to these components and instead let professionals like our technicians handle any related issue.

Your Electric Opener Won't Run

The automation of your garage door is the result of a motorized device called "the opener", which uses electrical power to generate horsepower which it converts to kinetic energy and pushes your door open. Being an electro-mechanical device, the garage door opener is liable to malfunction due to a variety of reasons. Of course, brand name companies like LiftMaster, Genie, and Chamberlain make reliable products that are far less likely to break down compared to other cheap substitutes, but no model is invulnerable to damage or wear and tear. From broken motor gears to circuit board issues, whatever the case may be, our experts can handle it.

Potential Hardware Problems

There are all sorts of issues that aren't necessarily the result of wear and tear (although sometimes they are) and more the result of direct physical damage. Broken panels are unsightly, sure, but they also compromise the door's insulating capabilities, as well as its security aspect. Bent tracks can cause the system to get stuck and force the rollers out of position. These are problems that can be difficult to handle, especially if replacement is the appropriate solution. Once again, you need not worry, because our team has the skills and experience to handle all this and more.

Experts Near You

Don't look far. Our team here at Gate Repair Pasadena is always ready to help local homeowners out with any type of problem that may affect the performance of their garage door system. Give us a call if you need emergency repairs, want to schedule a maintenance appointment, or are interested in getting a brand new door.


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Our professional team is where you should look for the finest quality repairs at budget prices. We offer dependable, same-day service and guaranteed customer satisfaction!

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*Prices may vary. $45 service call.

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Feb 16, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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